Breastfeeding Support

I am an experienced breastfeeding mom and a former accredited La Leche League Leader.  I can provide unlimited, free breastfeeding help within the “peer to peer” framework.  La Leche League (*see below) is an international breastfeeding support organization which strives to help people have a successful breastfeeding relationship if they so desire.

There are also several breastfeeding support groups in Denver that can be very beneficial, even prenatally!

LLL meetingLa Leche League

La Leche League meetings follow the same four series of topics, so if you attend four months in a row you will touch on every topic.  However, questions and concerns are addressed at every meeting, you don’t need to wait for the question to coincide with the topic.

  • The Benefits of Breastfeeding (January, May, September)
  • The Baby Arrives: The Family and the Breastfed Baby (February, June, October)
  • The Art of Breastfeeding:  Avoiding Difficulties (March, July, November)
  • Nutrition and Weaning (April, August, December)

LLL is “peer to peer” support, meaning there are no clinical professionals leading the group.  The group is lead by people who have been trained by LLL to facilitate meetings and provide good information.  Attending a LLL meeting is always 100% free, however memberships are available to fund administration costs.  To find a Group close to you, visit the Denver Metro LLL website.

mamahoodThe Mama’hood

Another amazing group in Denver is the Breastfeeding Support Group at the Mama’hood (in the Highlands and Boulder), lead by IBCLC (lactation consultant) Amanda Ogden.  These groups are evidence based, plus anthropological in nature and solution focused.  If you need clinical support that’s a step up from a LLL meeting this is the place to go!  The IBCLC’s who lead these groups can do weight checks, diagnose things like tongue tie, and form treatment plans.  Support groups have a drop in fee and private consultations are also available.

“…in feeding babies, two substantial mammary glands are more useful than the two hemispheres of a professor’s brain.”

Oliver Wendell Holmes

***Any ideas or inferences about childbirth found on this site may or may not reflect that of La Leche League International. Their policy only states that “Alert, active participation by the mother in childbirth is a help in getting breastfeeding off to a good start.”  Since they are solely a breastfeeding organization they do not take a stand on matters of childbirth.